Science|Business plans to roll out a newsletter tailored for research and innovation professionals. This article provides a sneak peek into the kind of information you may expect in the coming weeks, ahead of a full launch this spring. The introduction of lump sum funding to the EU funding landscape is gathering pace, but research organisations still lack confidence in the new less-strings-attached funding approach, despite its motive of reducing bureaucracy.
The latest global gender report developed by Elsevier shows that despite an overall increase in the representation of women in all scientific fields, gender parity is closer amongst younger researchers but tends to diminish at senior levels. This is also correlated with a tendency for women to cease to publish earlier than men. The 2021 SHE Figures only confirm this disparity and highlight women’s underrepresentation at the highest positions of academia.
Government ministries and research stakeholders from central and eastern Europe say they are open to discussing the future of Widening measures but disagree with a suggestion by the Danish government that they be axed from the next Framework research programme, FP10.