Pythagoras admired the number three for its harmony, wisdom and understanding. De La Soul are on record as praising its special properties. And alongside the Gr
Full Ownership structure chart;
Pre-Approval Controlled Functions for board members and senior
staff, including whether these individuals have previously been
approved by the CBI (Board and Senior Management);
Number of FTE employees, whether any are shared with other
group entities; and
Staff Organisational Chart with reporting lines.
Regulatory capital, own Funds Requirements, and Operational
funding levels;
Turnover (total income/revenue generated) for first 3
Profitability; and
Sources of Regulatory and Share Capital/Funding.
The KFD must clearly and precisely address each point. The CBI
will review the completed KFD and revert to the applicant firm in
writing with any comments. If the KFD does not contain, or is