just a reminder for you, a memorial service for riverside police officer michael crain is underway right now in california, this is the national cemetery at riverside where hundreds of mourners are saying goodbye. officer crain was sot and killed as he and his partner with at a red light, ambushed according to authorities by ex-cop chris dorner, we understand he was a marine corps veteran, two times in kuwait and leaves behind a wife and two children. conservative columnist charles krauthammer suggests last night before the state of the union address that what president obama really wants is a european style social democracy. government programs, high taxes and an equality for all
credit, but too few did not too many did not. let s get real here a little bit about this. politics should be a place for spirited debate, and it shouldn t just be about ideas. actually, character matters. the character of our leaders matter. if i m going to give you my car keys to take me somewhere, i want to know who you are. can i trust you to take me there? we should be able to engage in deep and personal and emotional debate. yes, they should be mature debates. they should be about big and important things. there s certainly no place in politics for, you know, actual physical personal attacks. but the day we stop lawing ourselves to challenge each other s in the strongest ways about these big issues, we re deciding what kind of country we re going to be. you know, paul would rather have us be a more european style social democracy. god bless paul. wonderful guy, he s a little bit mistaken about that. the day we can t challenge each other, and not only do it e
nanny-state id logs they better wake up. obama carries the stone of every yes voter and the majority of the americans don t want to live in a european-style social democracy and those who do, they can move there, and i will help them pack. and randy says the left-right moderate concept is as old as the harlem globe-trotters. the globe-trotters, thep ares always win, and they play the generals who are fools, while both teams laugh to the bankers. and the loser is the poor middle-class americans who fall for the shame charade every two to four years. philip says enough of the re-election talk, and we have just elected a new batch of weezles who can hopefully do the job they with sent there to do. if you want to read more on this go to my blog at cnn.com/caffertyfile. we will do, jack. a power shift here as the 112th congress convenes. full coverage of the historic day with the best political team on television right at the top of the hour. and thousands of birds drop dead
experiment and social contract. are we going to be individualistic as we always have been in the future or be a european style social democracy. this is a very interesting debate. we are going to get an answer on november 2nd. i think anker is a peripheral phenomenon here and the left loves to harp on it as a way to explain away why it s going to get really badly beat on election day. bill: you can t deny, charles and you have convinced me with your eloquent argument. thank you i appreciate that. bill: people on the far left are furious that their guy barack obama is not doing well. you can t deny. look, i would say to many on the left, the ideological left things he didn t do enough. i think they are nuts. he gave them obama care, which is the single most important piece of social legislation in the last half century and unless it s repealed it will change our country irreccably. we will end up like a canada or britain. that in and of itself if the presidency were to end tomor
experiment and social contract. are we going to be individualistic as we always have been in the future or be a european style social democracy. this is a very interesting debate. we are going to get an answer on november 2nd. i think anker is a peripheral phenomenon here and the left loves to harp on it as a way to explain away why it s going to get really badly beat on election day. bill: you can t deny, charles and you have convinced me with your eloquent argument. thank you i appreciate that. bill: people on the far left are furious that their guy barack obama is not doing well. you can t deny. look, i would say to many on the left, the ideological left things he didn t do enough. i think they are nuts. he gave them obama care, which is the single most important piece of social legislation in the last half century and unless it s repealed it will change our country irreccably. we will end up like a canada or britain. that in and of itself if the presidency were to end tomor