Oastler Square STREETS being too “car-centric” and bringing a “cafe culture” to areas of the city are among suggestions made as part of a public consultation into Bradford’s Top of Town. This month Bradford Council has held a public consultation on plans for the area of the city centre around North Parade - plans that could include turning Oastler Square into a park. People have until Monday to take part in the consultation, but scores of residents have already used an interactive map to make suggestions about different areas of the Top of Town. Suggestions from the public so far include allowing more bars on North Parade to take over parking bays to offer outside seating, free parking on evenings and weekends, a weekly outdoor market on Rawson Square, more public art, better policing of anti social behaviour - including the installation of more CCTV, the pedestrianisation of North Parade, an outdoor skate park, more benches, encouraging buskers and street enter