EEX Group News, Monthly Volume Report Date
The Power Intraday Markets, operated by EPEX Spot, increased by 28% in April 2021, reaching a volume of 10.7 TWh (April 2020: 8.4 TWh). The German and Danish Intraday markets reached new monthly records with 6.1 and 0.2 TWh traded (previous records: 5.9 TWh in October 2020 and 0.2 TWh in January 2021), while on the Day-Ahead segments, the Swedish (1.7 TWh) and Polish (0.2 TWh) market areas reached record volumes as well.
Volumes across the European Power Derivatives Markets declined in comparison to a very strong April 2020 volume. Against the overall trend, EEX recorded volume increases in its UK (+86%), Nordic (+147%) and Austrian Power Futures (+114%).