During the summer of 2022 alone, authorities raided dozens of Baha’i homes and arrested at least 30 people, among them Fariba Kamalabadi and Mahvash Sabet, two prominent members of the Baha’i community both of whom previously spent 10 years in prison. On May 22, 2022, in an oral statement delivered to the UN Human Rights Council, Simin Fahandej, a BIC representative said, “More than 1,000 Baha’is in Iran are in “limbo” between their initial arrests, their legal hearings and their final summons
The Nuremberg Trials hold everlasting historical importance: they exposed heinous crimes by Nazism and militarism to the whole world and demonstrated the | BLiTZ
Analyzed by legal scholars, cited as precedent for modern international law and medical ethics, and depicted in movies, the tale of the Nuremberg Trials imparts wisdom, reveals.