A road map for recovery from the coronavirus trump now says that state governors should set the pace and a phased approach to getting things back to normal. Or listening to. The proof. In a d w exclusive indian author our own dr brawley accuses Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using the corona virus to spread hatred of muslims. And south africa prepares for the worst but will it be enough its virus cases number their numbers have stayed low so far but there are fears that they will soon start to rise fast. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program China is reeling as the full impact of the coronavirus lockdowns become clear. 1st the economy has taken a hit with figures for the 1st 3 months of this year showing the 1st drop in output in almost 30 years the 2nd blow is new figures revealing that the death toll in the city of han where the virus was 1st detected is 50 percent higher than previously reported well our analysis starts with the slump in the economy the lockdown may be lifting but
Auto sales in Europe are still strong, but profit fundamentals are fading, hurt by diasppointing EV sales. VW and Mercedes in particular are coming under pressure.
Find out how aluminium prices are moving this month and learn why the LME aluminium price trended lower earlier this month despite the pick-up in Chinese services in May
Tesla paved the way nearly two decades ago. Now, the global transition to fully electric vehicles is littered with startups, inspired by a new era in mobility and drawn by the lower cost of building EVs compared with their fossil-fuel-guzzling forebears.