cab of the truck that did the lethal damage. translator: we can inform you there s more evidence that this suspect was the perpetrator with high probability. reporter: authorities conducted raids thursday in berlin and western germany. both places where he had lived in recent months. the hunt conducted not just in germany but europe-wise. a raid in denmark. this as more information emerges. before coming to germany, he was jailed in italy and committed crimes in tunisia. translator: i just want to blame him for what he has done. reporter: months before, authorities reportedly heard him say he was going to conduct an attack. but didn t have the evidence to hold him. even u.s. authorities reportedly put him on a no fly terror list after doing their own intel on the guy. more criticize german chancellor merkel for her immigration policies, maybe adding to insecurity here. she said today she wasn t surprised by the attack. translator: we have been aware for a long time that we ar