The former president, his wife Michelle, the movie director and the singer dined together at a luxury restaurant in the Catalan capital on Thursday night
The list, reported by the Europe Press agency, includes Ukrainian singer Irina Allegrova, TV presenter Zhanna Padova, singer Dimytro Bilan, presenter Dana
Spain has ended the year on a tragic note with December being the third deadliest since records began for gender-based violence. According to a report by
Europa Press Sólo el 21,1% de los españoles siguieron el debate que protagonizaron la semana pasada en el Senado el presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, y el líder del PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, y, de ese porcentaje, el 29% considera que el primero salió victorioso de la cita, frente a un 24% que da el…