The "Analysis of Telematics in the European Vehicle Leasing and Rental Market" report has been added to's offering. This study sheds light on the market size and provides parc
When the company said it couldn’t reveal what a driver had done wrong, he got suspicious. Was it a scam? In the end, privacy laws and bureaucracy took the blame.
Combined Shareholders' Meeting approved the establishment of a two-tier board structure with a Supervisory Board and a Management Board. Holger Peters appointed as Chairman of the Supervisory
Transition from current one-tier Board of Directors to a two-tier board structure to be effective after the Annual General Meeting of Europcar Mobility Group and subject to its approval Five
Regulatory News: Europcar Mobility Group (Paris:EUCAR): FULL Q1 2022 RESULTS Preliminary IFRS Q1 2022 financial statements were published on April, 28th, 2022. Today's press release contains