After the Russian invasion of Ukraine Thursday morning, Ukrainian students and faculty at the University of Kansas express worry and concern for family still in the country.
The University of Kansas campus is pictured Friday, Feb. 6, 2015.
Fifteen undergraduate programs at the University of Kansas have been identified as low-enrollment programs, and two of them as well as an entire department will be discontinued.
KU will discontinue the Humanities and Visual Art Education degrees. Discontinuing the Visual Art Education degree would save about $100,000, and discontinuing the Humanities degree would save about $400,000, Bichelmeyer said. In addition to the Humanities degree, KU is discontinuing the Humanities department.
Of the remaining 13 undergraduate programs KU identified, seven were recommended to merge with other programs, six were recommended to continue. After hearing a presentation by KU Provost Barbara Bichelmeyer on Wednesday, the Board of Regents voted unanimously to approve the recommendations.