$1,000 reward for return of NASA payload
By Braden Moles - bmoles@aimmediamidwest.com
The NASA ARMAS payload that is believed to have fallen north of Lewisburg.
LEWISBERG There is a $1,000 reward for the return of a NASA ARMAS balloon payload that is believed to have fallen north of Lewisburg on Friday, Jan. 29.
The NASA ARMAS payload was lost from a scientific balloon on Friday, Jan 29. at approximately 10:15 am north of Lewisburg near West Sonora.
The NASA ARMAS payload looks like a shoebox with silver-colored aluminum tape around a one pound box. The antenna wires are for Iridium satellite link. It is approximately 12” x 8” x 6” in dimensions. If found, keep the case sealed to protect the sensitive electronics inside.