A renowned Korean American medical practitioner, celebrated for treating elusive illnesses at a Seoul hospital for three decades, now faces a new task: tackling the diverse range of visible and invisible afflictions plaguing South Korea. He is vying for a seat in the April 10 general elections and if elected, he will become the first parliamentarian with a dual nationality.
Ihn Yohan, who is from the fourth generation of a US missionary family that helped build churches and schools in Korea during Japanese colonial rule, is running for office in the April 10 general election as a ruling People Power Party candidate. The People Power Party committee for nominating candidates for the general election asked In, whose American name is John Linton, to run, and he has accepted, according to t.
Flexible and transparent immigration policies are keys to the successful integration of migrants, according to Ihn Yo-han, chairman of the innovation committee of the ruling People Power Party (PPP), as Korea seeks to become more open to immigrants amid a labor shortage and low growth.
Since some time ago, a new pattern has emerged in Korea’s party politics. Whenever a party loses a key election, major officeholders resign and set up a “reform committee.” They usually usher in an outsider as the organization’s interim leader and make cosmetic changes.