Insufficient or inadequate. They believe the circumstance eirs were not enough as well as a different project to be approved. Sequa requires study of a reasonable range of potentially feasible alternatives, promoting informed decisionmaking and public participation. Here, the eir presented circumstance alternatives including two full preservation and too preservation alternatives. Lhias position is that ten alternatives should have been study. This is unnecessary and not required by sers qua. Sequa. This contains the legally required reasonable range and provides ample information for analysis and consideration by you, the decision makers. And for an additional alternative not in the eir to be legally ar required, it must be different from those presented in the eir and must clearly lessen the projects significant impacts. On the last day of the Public Comment period, lhia submitted narratives and sketches for two projects and followed up with two more after the final er was published
Reduce loading impacts as dwell times for trucks and loading times would be reduced so they could get in and out of the building. This is not sequa issue. The appellant fails to meet the burden that the record supports reversal of the Planning Commission and dpw. It did not and cannot provide evidence in support of its evidence. The records supporting the determinations is thorough consisting of multiple years of study and analysis and based on facts and evidence rather than argument and infect allegation. Speculation. This project will transform and underutilized wallofftioff tens sites with 744 new homes. , 185 affordable units for seniors, childcare uses and neighborhood serving retail and commercial uses. We ask you reject these appeals and move forward today. Thank you, supervisors. Thank you. Any questions . I have a question of the proje project, is there a reason why it was infeasible to make a family unit affordable . So this project through the Development Agreement, it was d
City, especially anywhere somewhat close to us and finding housing for my son, he wanted to be a neighbor he grew up with and theres very little housing. I know that this development wont help my father whos passed away or my son, because its going to be a few years before its here, but it will help the neighborhood and it will help the area given the transportation node. Im i in support of the retail. As it is now, off can do is the bank and market. You have to walk down to philmore enjoy vibrant retail. I urge you to support this development, thank you. Next speaker. Good evening, supervisors, staff and members of the community. Im the director of organizing for the Northern California Carpenters Union and here to talk on two issues. One is housing. California is short 3. 5 Million Units of housing. We build roughly 100,000 units a year. Were falling behind. Yet we put on hold 744 units, of which 187 of the units are affordable to seniors. Half of those units were designed with a fam
People entering into becoming a shopkeeper, or service provider, whatever. Weve actually created a small, i dont know, 150 square feet each, weak carved out it into retail spaces now, they share a common bathroom. They dont have all of that extra Square Footage. Would you consider doing Something Like that . I think going back to, commissioner, the discussion about flexible retail. What you are describing is one of the trends. Retail space has become more expensive, obviously retail is changing, and evolving with both the online shopping, but also the idea that co location, of different retail brands, and that is really what you are seeing in flexible retail. You are seeing new retailers, like neighborhood goods, where you might have five different brands, with some food uses in the space, you like share bathrooms. One of the important things to note about that, as a company that has been doing retail for over 30 years here in San Francisco. Our retail portfolio is 97 leased. We intend
6570 feet deep. Which is typical of what you see in neighborhood shops. One of the things you are developing in my neighborhood is a funeral home. A block away we have successful people entering into becoming a shopkeeper, or service provider, whatever. Weve actually created a small, i dont know, 150 square feet each, weak carved out it into retail spaces now, they share a common bathroom. They dont have all of that extra Square Footage. Would you consider doing Something Like that . I think going back to, commissioner, the discussion about flexible retail. What you are describing is one of the trends. Retail space has become more expensive, obviously retail is changing, and evolving with both the online shopping, but also the idea that co location, of different retail brands, and that is really what you are seeing in flexible retail. You are seeing new retailers, like neighborhood goods, where you might have five different brands, with some food uses in the space, you like share bathr