Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft (ETR:HLAG – Get Free Report) shares traded down 1.6% during mid-day trading on Monday . The company traded as low as €155.50 ($165.43) and last traded at €156.20 ($166.17). 10,438 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 88% from the average session volume of 88,256 shares. The stock had previously closed at […]
Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft (ETR:HLAG – Get Free Report) shares traded down 2% during trading on Monday . The company traded as low as €183.80 ($197.63) and last traded at €184.30 ($198.17). 9,580 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 89% from the average session volume of 88,256 shares. The stock had previously closed at €188.10 […]
Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft (ETR:HLAG – Get Rating) dropped 1.9% on Monday . The company traded as low as €187.70 ($204.02) and last traded at €187.90 ($204.24). Approximately 17,208 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 81% from the average daily volume of 88,256 shares. The stock had previously closed at €191.50 ($208.15). Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft […]
Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft (ETR:HLAG – Get Rating) traded up 5.1% during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as €337.00 ($366.30) and last traded at €326.00 ($354.35). 50,744 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 43% from the average session volume of 88,256 shares. The stock had previously closed at €310.20 ($337.17). […]
Shares of Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft (ETR:HLAG – Get Rating) were down 2.4% during mid-day trading on Monday . The stock traded as low as €289.00 ($310.75) and last traded at €292.00 ($313.98). Approximately 19,274 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 78% from the average daily volume of 88,256 shares. The stock had previously closed […]