are investigating because none of this appears to be a crime here in colombia. don? interesting. so, listen, lieberman joined some other voices urging the white house to look into its own people, those that were down in colombia. what do you think about the white house advance staff that was in colombia? we know that there were five of them, don. three men and two women who would have been here, possibly, and most probably working with the secret service advance teams and the military advance teams. we contacted two of them by phone. one told us that he actually couldn t speak to the press, wasn t authorized. the other, a woman, told us that she could not confirm or deny anything. again, there are just five and now we have representative king, senator grassley all asking if any of these white house people were involved. it seems it would be an easy yes or no answer, but we have not gotten it yet from either the white house or from anybody else down here. all right, drew