A popular New Year’s trend is to say “goodbye” to all the things that didn’t serve you in 2023, as you usher in new intentions and habits for 2024. Although there were many great trial.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IN A MINUTE OR LESS - Ethylene oxide (EO) is a versatile compound used to make ethylene glycol and numerous consumer products, including household cleaners and.
Ethylene oxide is a versatile compound used to make ethylene glycol and numerous consumer products, including household cleaners and personal care items. Looking at the risks inherent in EO litigation through the prism of 2 recent trials followed by a $408 million settlement.
In the communities of people living and working around the 100+ facilities across the U.S. that use a chemical called ethylene oxide, contamination in the air may cause cancer.
As the EPA is increasing its attention to EtO, several states are experiencing an uptick in ethylene oxide litigation. Delaware and Georgia have seen recent private lawsuits against companies operating facilities that utilize EtO.