The players are in for the first in-person SRC election in three years. Honi is to be a two-way race, and SRC President is to go uncontested for the second time…
Have you been left with a stupol-shaped hole in your heart after September’s SRC Repselect? Are you yearning for some good old-fashioned yelling over zoom…
Where’s democracy? NatCon 2020 Wrapped
The infamously rowdy National Conference (NatCon) for the National Union of Students (NUS) took place on Zoom this year.
Disclaimer: Vivienne Guo is a former member of Sydney Grassroots.
In a break from tradition, the infamously rowdy National Conference (NatCon) for the National Union of Students (NUS) took place on Zoom this year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your friendly neighbourhood
Honi editors attended so that you didn’t have to.
The NUS is the peak representative body for undergraduate students across Australia, though many students remain unaware of its existence or the (questionable) role that it plays, despite the fact that student money funds the organisation. Indeed, the NUS is funded by universities, through the payment of affiliation fees in order for each university to receive a certain amount of delegates proportionate to their student population. As an affiliated