minorities, who fear being treated as less than, blacks, latinos, ethnics, lgbt too. none is welcome in that message of hate. still worse, the president s quiet forces the suggestion that he supports what he fails to oppose. factor this in. karen pence is the wife of the vice president. she s teaching art at a place where the application requires would-be employees to initial next to a list of beliefs, including certain moral misconduct, includes homosexual or transgender identity as being disqualifying or any other violation of the unique roles of male and female. now, don t cheapen my argument by saying, cuomo s equating christianity and white power. please, that s just a slip of an obvious point. i am a flawed, failing, repentant christian, okay? if i had any bias, it would be in favor of faith. the point is that the value of
latinos, ethnics, lgbt too. none is welcome in that message of hate. still worse, the president s quiet forces the suggestion that he supports what he fails to oppose. factor this in. karen pence is the wife of the vice president. she s teaching art at a place where the application requires would-be employees to initial next to a list of beliefs, including certain moral misconduct, includes homosexual or transgender identity as being disqualifying or any other violation of the unique roles of male and female. now, don t cheapen my argument by saying, cuomo s equating christianity and white power. please, that s just a slip of an obvious point. i am a flawed, failing, repentant christian, okay? if i had any bias, it would be in favor of faith. the point is that the value of exclusion is embraced here, and
have some type of biological agent? that s what they said about our families not too long ago, the delousing treatments, they something about the ethnics coming out here. they were consider unclean. we have seen this move. it is an ugly movie. it ends badly. nationalists. make america great again, america first, enemy of the people. they didn t even create any of them. they are all replays, redos back to the days of division and ugly acts in the name of us versus them. one of uncle sam s. watching rats. arrive on the american shore from the slums of europe. the writing on their hats, mafia as they wear bandannas, masks and knives. when you get to be older you know that it s happened before, this image, america leading the hats of the black hand out of europe.
i when senator feinstein received a letter from her constituent conveying an allegation of attempted rape of brett kavanaugh had attempted to rape this woman when he was a 17 years old in high school. diane feinstein tried to figure out how she could have those allegations looked into and investigated while still protecting this woman s desire to keep her name confidential. once they received the letter containing allegations against brett kavanaugh, senatoor feinstein approached the ethnics committee to evaluate the allegations. they were told the rules committee would have to approve
ocasio-cortez, a member of the democratic socialists of america. she campaigned this week for the abolition of i.c.e. in response to all of the news around the border. she has been talking about that issue. not an issue you hear a lot of democrats talking about. beating him by double digits. crowley represents a little bit of what the past was for the democratic party. this part district, think of the show all in the family back in the 70s. archie bunker. they used to call them the white ethnics, italian, irish, culturally conservative, working class. that used to be sort of the prototype for this district. this district has changed. the country has changed. the democratic party has changed. this is now a district that is three quarters non-white. and there was a demographic change there, and crowley kind of represented what it used to be. ocasio-cortez, what the district more and more becoming. and maybe the democratic party too, brian. steve, you re so right. this may be the mos