Investors beware: Are your battery investments powered correctly?
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Don t approach the trend from the wrong angle
Angus Coupland of Coupland Cardiff
Angus Coupland
Batteries are going to be undeniably pivotal if the world is to hit its ambitious net-zero emissions targets, but investors must exploit this trend in the right way.
The European Commission considers batteries as absolutely crucial in the fight against climate change, which could tempt investors to believe any company involved in battery development and production will produce gains for their clients.
Pushing forward for a cleaner planet: Communities that work together have the most resilience
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Global co-operation key to achieving net zero aims
Nick Parsons of ThomasLloyd
After a long cold winter in Europe, made much worse by the pain of lockdown and the distress of yet more pandemic deaths, spring is finally in the air.
Temperatures are rising, trees are in blossom, and birds are busy building nests. It is a time of hope and renewal, and of making plans for the future.
Investors should be wary of claims made about environmental, social and governance funds, as Scientific Beta has found using this method does not add value through outperformance.
See Japan in a different light: How investors get ESG in world s third-largest economy wrong
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Give the country due credit for green efforts
Richard Kaye of Comgest
Greenwashing is a persistent and growing problem in the ESG landscape. However, many companies in Japan suffer from this issue in reverse and we believe their ESG ratings are often significantly worse than they deserve.
In the latest in the ESG Investment Influencers series, editor-in-chief Katrina Lloyd speaks to Scott Spencer, investment manager in the BMO Global Asset Management Multi-Manager Solutions team.
They discuss why all good fund managers should be doing some form of ESG analysis, the team s ESG scoring system for funds, product gaps in the market and how boutiques are embracing ESG.
Spencer is a member of the 10-strong BMO Global Asset Management Multi-Manager team and has more than 20 years experience in researching funds.
Prior to joining the group in July 2014, he was a senior investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management, where he was responsible for a number of retail and institutional multi-manager portfolios. Before that, he was a member of the Credit Suisse Asset Management multi-manager team.