Abe Lincoln fascinated historians because of his significant role in American history when our nation was bitterly divided, but intrigued physicians because of his stature. Our 16th President was described as six feet and four inches tall, lank a.
Always up for a challenge, lifelong writer Ethelyn Pearson published her first book at 81
Worth Knowing: Ethelyn Pearson developed her passion for writing and literature at an early age and would pursue it for almost her entire life. By the time she died of COVID-19 at age 99 in a Clarissa, Minn., nursing home on Dec. 11, 2020, she had sold some 700 stories to nearly 60 publications, ranging from local newspapers to national magazines. Written By: Matthew Guerry | ×
Ethelyn Pearson, then 93 years old, shared photos and old stories at her Fair Oaks apartment in this 2014 photo. (Forum News Service file photo)
Editor s note: In a new feature from Forum News Service, reporter Matthew Guerry will share the life stories of residents of Minnesota or the Dakotas who have died recently. Maybe you don t know them, but their stories are worth knowing. If you have a suggestion for someone to be featured, email mguerry@forumcomm.com or call 651-321-4314.