A the pope and a man of prayer. Many were shocked and surprised by the announcement. Barry simms is live in baltimore with reaction. He was with the popes seven weeks and said after hearing the news, he decided to offer prayers for the church, the pope, and he also asked the faithful to the same. To do the same. Many are finding it hard to believe that they respect his decision to step down. I applaud him for the decision. To make the decision you can no longer make do the job youre elected to do. Maybe he is feeling sick or he needs some rest. The bishop has also reflected on the probe political legacy and the surprise resignation. I hope we would recognize the humanity of this pope who recognized that the stamina required for this role was not his any longer. The chairman of the Theology Department at loyola said the authority of the pope is not tied to the person that the office. Are resigning he is doing something really innovative. By reciting he is doing something innovative. It