offenders off the hook not bothering to lock up violent criminals people it like charles lindsay and allege gang member who was facing four felony counts for grand larceny in december after robbing high end manhattan stores. so instead of prosecuting the case bragg agreed to let lindsay go if he went to some diversion program. lindsay reportedly never showed up. but while back on the street, he showed up to a play ground with a loaded pistol and robbed a 14-year-old. then there s the case of mary sanders she took part in the 2018 murder of and sanders helgd up a 35-year-old army veteran and father of two down to the ground while her brother stabbed him to deaths. under al vying bragg administration she was given a plea deal down graigd her charges to second-degree assault and, of course, she was let off on time served. got to remember this one from last summer. a 16-year-old boy caught on cram beating a cop over the head at a subway station in harlem. this was just a mont
offenders off the hook not bothering to lock up violent criminals people it like charles lindsay and allege gang member who was facing four felony counts for grand larceny in december after robbing high end manhattan stores. so instead of prosecuting the case bragg agreed to let lindsay go if he went to some diversion program. lindsay reportedly never showed up. but while back on the street, he showed up to a play ground with a loaded pistol and robbed a 14-year-old. then there s the case of mary sanders she took part in the 2018 murder of and sanders helgd up a 35-year-old army veteran and father of two down to the ground while her brother stabbed him to deaths. under al vying bragg administration she was given a plea deal down graigd her charges to second-degree assault and, of course, she was let off on time served. got to remember this one from last summer. a 16-year-old boy caught on cram beating a cop over the head at a subway station in harlem. this was just a mont
offenders off the hook not bothering to lock up violent criminals people it like charles lindsay and allege gang member who was facing four felony counts for grand larceny in december after robbing high end manhattan stores. so instead of prosecuting the case bragg agreed to let lindsay go if he went to some diversion program. lindsay reportedly never showed up. but while back on the street, he showed up to a play ground with a loaded pistol and robbed a 14-year-old. then there s the case of mary sanders she took part in the 2018 murder of and sanders helgd up a 35-year-old army veteran and father of two down to the ground while her brother stabbed him to deaths. under al vying bragg administration she was given a plea deal down graigd her charges to second-degree assault and, of course, she was let off on time served. got to remember this one from last summer. a 16-year-old boy caught on cram beating a cop over the head at a subway station in harlem. this was just a mont
and killed. two other americans, a writer and a dental student were mistaken for dea agents, also tortured and killed by the cartel. after the murder. the u.s. unleashed will hounds of hell for mexico, the message for the cartels and corrupt mexican government giving sanctuary to the cartels, 40 years letter, americans are still dying, and mis missing in mexico, this week 4 people were traveling for a susurgical procedure, two were killed, and two were kept alive. texas law enforcement is warning americans to think twice before visits mexico, trucks are big business in mexico, but so is tourism. and so is having a good relationship with the united states part of having a good relationship, is not letting americans die or go missing when they visit. some republicans now want to use the military to go after the cartels, which is a little surprising given the number of republicans who don t want to use the military anywhere else, not in afghanistan, where rape victim stoned or
service in the female. those frozen pizza rolls at a. not to mention the backrub i just gave him in my office. larry, how about shaving once i a while? when i sit close to you this is what happens 50 get the mechanism is overpowering. inflation is bad, prices are still up 10 percent from last year with dallas, the twin cities in baltimore suffering the biggest increases. it so bad in texas that fort worth is no fort worth less. it so bad in dallas that gallon hat now holds only eight. the twin cities added a third cities to cover that. in baltimore, baltimore sucks. does it matter? but how bad is it across-the-board? have you had breakfast lately? at bed-and-breakfast a cost mor for the eggs benedict than for the bed. couples are saving up for a weekend getaway to denny s. after witnessing high egg prices , americans are opting to raise there own chickens to avoid the pain in the wallet freight i m sitting on threet nest in my office alone. for a variety of reasons. the price