After Texas pastor Juan Uribe donated a kidney to Gail Fink of Northbrook, his wife served as a surrogate for her twin boys. Now Fink needs to find another donor so she can watch her 15-year-old boys continue to thrive.
class= nosel noCC > 01009&q=san bruno >San Bruno 16, Oakland 9, San Francisco 5, Connie Jackson 3, George Kiriyama 3, Seaton 3, Lisa 3, Tom Sinkovitz 3, Pg & E 3, Safeway 2, By Pg & E 2, Tom 2, Stringer 2, Francis 2, Glenview 2, San Diego 2, Sfo 2, Clarence 1, Jeff Smith 1, Jeff Ranieri 1 Network NBC Duration 01:00:00 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel 80 (561 MHz) Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 528 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color