The mixed-reality headset, Meta Quest 3, saw a growth spike over at Steam's survey. The latest Meta Quest 3 has seen rising popularity since it was released, but that gets more affirmation thanks to Steam's latest Hardware and Software Survey which shows exactly how much it grew.
Meta's Quest 3 is now used in public thanks to its Passthrough feature. One of the main advantages of mixed-reality and augmented reality is how it allows users to see the real world through the wearable, and that is something that Meta Quest 3 users are doing now.
Meta has diverted its focus off its AR glasses, but the venture is not yet canceled. There is still an upcoming AR glasses coming from Meta, and an anonymous employee confirmed this on a recent report, detailing the company's plans to expand more of its wearable reality devices.
Meta unveiled the Quest 3, and it moves from VR to mixed-reality offers, going ahead of Apple. The first mixed-reality headset is here, and it did not come from Apple, but rather, from Meta who recently unveiled the Quest 3 headset to the world.