amy out of school many times in the last year without her mother s permission. now records show police told esther lane his wife to stay away from this child s home. his wife says $4,000 was taken from her bank shgt the day they disappeared. in an exclusive interview with cnn, jane seymour explains the moment that made her think about quitting acting forever. how she hopes what she has to say will resonate and inspire other women. me when i can get it. i need my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. tresiba® ready tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i need to cut my a1c. tresiba® ready tresiba® works like my body s insulin. releases slow and steady. providing powerful a1c reduction. my week? hectic. my weekends? my time. tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day.