The groundbreaking announcement for Nicky's Steakhouse in the November 15, 1968 issue of The Estes Park Trail was the beginning of decades of success for owner Nicky Kane, Sr.
Do a little research about the history of Halloween and you are sure to discover legends and tales about Celts, Druids, pagans and witches. Even this Oct. 25, 1968 article from the Estes Park Trail talks about the various myths and traditions that derived from these early cultures. According to the article, the holiday is noted on the […]
Have you ever noticed the water gushing out of a large tube at Mary’s Lake? Do you know where that water originates? The Alva B. Adams Tunnel is the center of the largest transmountain water project in Colorado. Part of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, the 13-mile concrete-lined tunnel carries water from the Colorado River watershed out of […]
The July visitation numbers were recently released for Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) in the Monthly Public Use Reports data on the National Park Service website. RMNP is experiencing a slight downward trend from 2022 of about 2% when compared to year-to-date figures for total visits in January through July. During this time in 2023, 2,214,636 visitors entered […]