'One Region, One Table’ brings wonders of three states, two countries, and one breathtaking region, all under one roof, and this year’s event will have a surprising twist to it.
An original study by Houston Public Media set out to answer whether bus stops ever reached dangerously hot temperatures and how effective bus shelters are at cooling riders during the hottest times of the day.
The average American only feels relaxed 40 minutes a day and a staggering 47% said they feel relaxed even less. Establishing a self-care routine is an excellent way to bolster those numbers and astrology provides a helpful framework for choosing a nourishing ritual that's right for you.
In an amendment to a larger bill reauthorizing Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding, Vasquez and several congressional representatives added a requirement for the Department of Transportation and National Academies to study the impact of dwindling rural air services around the U.S.