to prevent this new year s tax hike is within sight, but it s not done. we we re hopeful that congress can get it done, but it s not done. so it s not done. in case you missed that, he said it twice, not done. reports of an emerging deal focus on a few key parameters, raising tax rates on couple it s making more than $450,000 a year, increasing the estate tax rate, and extending unemployment benefits for one year. the major sticking point new appears to be sequester spending. while the president said he would prefer a grand bargain, a certain branch of government stood in the way. with this congress that was obviously a little too much to hope for. one thing we can count on with respect to this congress is that if there s even one second left before you have to do what you re supposed to do, they will use that last second. those remarks might not have
reynolds have split. good rid riddance. he was abs on a stick in my opinion. and a bill passed around thursday at midnight. the bill signed by president obama on friday gives a two-year extension to the tax cuts that would have expired in a few weeks. even for families earning more than $250,000 a year, something obama says he would never agree to. it also extends unemployment benes and sets the new state tax rate at 35%. we will be right back. well coldelcome back. who are the winners? some say it is rich jerks like me, but despite the crap he has taken, it is president obama who won big. and the washington post, the actual paper says, quote, if