must reveal your shareholders, and the attorney general upholding that decision, we then finally learn that there is not an enormous package yet put in place. so this competition that was ostensibly going on was a ruse. instead, at the end what we got was investing at an astronomical rate and changing the whole dynamic of this project. really, finally, your reporting showed, putting our country at risk now with a company formerly owned by deripaska, a known criminal for work in the world to playing it more democratic, he has not been on our side. thanks for being with us. i m sure it indicates that everything in state dynamics.
states and their specific dynamics. but the president has made a very clear, i need people to come to washington right now and help me govern. help me accomplish the things that i set forward for the american people, and i need ron estes to join me here in place of mike pompeo who did such a great job. martha: he has put himself on the line. it will be a reflection on whether or not that worked in the selection. but there s also a story about tax reform that was done understand brownback and that there weren t enough cuts to the state budget. so could it be that there is a little bit of dissatisfaction among establishment republicans who felt like they felt like they re going to get tax reform in kansas and they didn t get what they thought they were going to get. that state dynamics obviously playing, but they re looking at their congressional district and who they re going to some to washington and i think the president rightly shifted the message and said hey, i need congressi