Shares of Coca-Cola HBC AG (OTCMKTS:CCHGY – Get Rating) hit a new 52-week high during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The company traded as high as $28.93 and last traded at $28.57, with a volume of 5555 shares changing hands. The stock had previously closed at $27.44. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth A number of […]
Coca-Cola HBC (OTCMKTS:CCHGY – Get Rating) had its target price trimmed by Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft from GBX 2,580 ($32.04) to GBX 2,545 ($31.61) in a research report released on Tuesday morning, The Fly reports. Several other brokerages have also recently weighed in on CCHGY. Citigroup decreased their price objective on shares of Coca-Cola HBC from […]
Coca-Cola HBC AG (OTCMKTS:CCHGY – Get Rating) reached a new 52-week high during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as $27.74 and last traded at $27.74, with a volume of 642 shares. The stock had previously closed at $27.38. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth A number of research firms have commented on […]
Coca-Cola HBC (OTCMKTS:CCHGY – Get Rating) had its target price dropped by investment analysts at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft from GBX 2,580 ($32.04) to GBX 2,545 ($31.61) in a research report issued on Tuesday, The Fly reports. Several other research firms also recently commented on CCHGY. Credit Suisse Group dropped their price objective on shares of […]