in warm weather months would be there will be riots? in the streets of chicago? it was negative-20 when this happened. it is such a heinous and despicable crime but this man is protected by everyone. we have the chicago police department filing a civil suit against jussie smollett for $130,000. a lot people don t think that s enough. civil suits the burden of proof of lower than a criminal case. of since everyone basically knows he s guilty, there is that on the horizon. tucker: there is a lot going on. at the height of this, robin roberts at abc interviewed him allowed him to talk about how he was a victim of racism. and she said beautiful, jesse. has she apologized for that? of course not. i believe she still has a job making 7 or 8 figures. she still has a job.
of $2,284,216. some 68,000 short from jennings record, $2.5 million. i waited until you finished the question. i think the review will show she s a little quick on on the trigger. tucker: do you know what? i am always i fulfilled the wishes of the judges, let me say that. i m not involved in enforcing the rules at all. merely marrying that and carrying out their orders, and they say that was fair. 1-1. going into question three. a weatherman in dayton, ohio, and rage viewers recently not because of his hurricane coverage but because he dared to interrupt a popular television show. which show was? jesse watters? i m embarrassed that i know it, but it was the bachelorette. tucker: you should be embarrassed! we
sometimes angering the left, sometimes angering the right, and that s why they want to criminalize juliana sans. to punish him for bringing transparency to the deep state, but also creating a theory hoping that everybody hates a assange, if you are somebody who publishes secret information, you can be turned into a criminal. that s why it s so dangerous to press freedom. that s the key point. they whipped the mob into a frenzy here is the person you should hate!nt they distract us from the consequences of what they are doing, the consequences to us. thank you, glenn greenwald, for remindingk us of those consequences. appreciate it. thanks, tucker. tucker: what would a bill de blasio presidency look like? probably not a question we are going to have to entertain in real life, but what the heck! we are going to take a look at new york where bill de blasio rules fanning racial animosity at a level really unprecedented grid that s next.
essentially what s happening is businesses who have interest before the oversight committee are giving money to this charity. so that s the first complaint. i want to pull up a quote from tom anderson who was the chief investigator of this group i mentioned if we can pull this up right here. when he highlights the fact there are millions of dollars coming into the company s entities, these corporations with special interests before elijah cummings, and any time you have that, it opens the door for massive corruption. that s the chief concern. that s number one. the second concern is self-dealing. she s got this charity group and hashe also simultaneously has an llc, and what she s doing is from that money that she s getting from the charity, she s paying herself a management fee to the llc. so this is raising big questions with this group i mentioned, which is why they brought it to the attention of the irs. tucker: she has a
immunity? that s a really good question. the reason is that because originally these companies, like youtube, google, twitter, facebook were supposed to be like at&t, which are neutral public platforms, right? if stephen crowder wants to call someone using at&t and organize and an high vox rally, nobody expects at&t to stop them because the idea is it s just a platform for people to use. that s what silicon valley companies were originally supposed to be and they got immunity for it. in reality, this power to censor was not one they wanted. it was one that was foisted upon them, amazingly largely by journalists who were demanding that they remove voices from the internet. imagine going into journalism and then begging corporations to silence and censor people. that s the real reason they got in this position. tucker: [that is so nicely put. federal product being charged under the