A prequel to Cartoon Network’s hugely popular series, the all-new 2D animated movie follows ‘Craig of the Creek’ when he was just Craig – a new kid in town who wants to head back to his old home; coming to digital next month, DVD and broadcast next year.
On the new spin-off of Cartoon Network’s Emmy, GLAAD and NAACP Image Award-nominated ‘Craig of the Creek,’ Craig’s little sister Jessica is always on a quest to get ‘big’ and take on the world, with her friends, even if she does suck her thumb… sometimes; show debuts on CN today, October 2, streaming October 7 on Max.
Recently social media was flooded with news of Cartoon Network shutting down. But Cartoon Network took it to their official Twitter handle on Saturday and denied all the rumors saying, “We are not Dead”.
Warner Bros’ CEO, David Zaslav has been on a crusade to change what many of us loved about the company. From making Warner Bros Discovery less-diverse overall by cutting a large number of employees his latest plans to restructure the company seems likely to kill a channel most of us have grown up with, Cartoon Network.