ESSEX TOWN — Late Sunday night, waves of greens and purples swept through the sky in Essex Town, and resident Kyle Seymour captured them on his camera.
ESSEX JUNCTION — City Council discussed its priorities for the financial year 2025 budget at its Sept. 13 meeting, a conversation that kicks off the annual budget process.
ESSEX WESTFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT — Essex High School students and Rotary Club of Essex members gathered at EHS Thursday and planted 300 perennial wildflowers in 30 minutes for a pollinator
Marybeth Redmond is a columnist for the Essex Reporter. Redmond is a trained writer-journalist and served as state representative in the Vermont House for the Town of Essex from 2019-2022.
ESSEX TOWN — The Essex Reporter reached out to Essex Town State Representatives Leonora Dodge and Rey Garofano for an update on the legislature, and what they think is important