Help of victims banks, and vendors where the suspects used stolen cards and checks. This video, for example, shows the woman Police Identify as Antoinique Bryant shopping at the target in pinole. She orders a drink at starbucks, and eventually leaves with a cart of merchandise all paid for with someone elses money. Though theres no physical abuse in these cases, there will be charges beyond just theft and burglary. You can take financial advantage or target a victim because of their age for a Financial Crime and that does fall under elder abuse. Thats one of the 27 charges shawn morris is already facing. Police earlier this week. They say he and bryant are in a relationship, but morris may not know where his female accomplice is at this point. A spokeswoman for aegis living says their primary concern is for residents safety. The center has been in contact with the victims banks, and it doesnt appear any of the elderly victims will face permanent financial harm. Morriss charges also inc