effort. president obama got in trouble going into the presidency, saying we re going to get out of these conflicts, these two wars. premeditated the pullout before it was time. either you are in or out. personally i think this is a situation, you are talking about now al qaeda or isis ideology, spreading to asian countries. very, very dangerous. the term you used, whack a mole. kill them there, they are going to pop up somewhere else. it s different when we defend our south korean allies, our japanese friends. it s different than trying to put something down in the middle east. eboni: garland, is eric right? is this is a situation where president trump campaigned and largely one from the promise to get us out of these conflicts.
garland: this is bigger than president obama. if you look at president bush, president obama. what we are seeing is this hokey pokey foreign policy. we would put our left foot in, all right thought out to pending on who s president. we have to figure out, i am with eric. we need to get out because going in and out isn t working. it depends on which president we have, which policy. we are getting the same results. kirsten: then you leave afghanistan to the taliban. this is what life is going to look like for those people. it s a very, very hard reality, and talking about the troop levels, they are at least 1,000 troop shortage in afghanistan. at the height, it was 50000-plus there. it s a difficult quagmire. eboni: we have been there for 15 years. kat: exactly. all these years, these american lives, all of this money.
eboni: everybody condemning obama right now are with her, and she also made a whole bunch of money speaking to wall street as well. why is it okay for hillary and not okay for obama? kat: people on twitter attacking me because i am wearing teal. i didn t have time to do laundry because i was at west point military academy watching my cousin graduate. what is the endgame? you will accomplish absolutely nothing. we will win. kat: i am mad they didn t include my lipstick on my teeth from yesterday. they should have included that and made it 3 minutes. eric: we should thank the producers. you do a great job. kat: everybody. eboni: that was great.
out. eboni: i would wonder, what is the risk associated with being all out. we have been in so long, i m concerned. kirsten: you allow these groups to metastasize in the middle east. plotting to affect americans. another way to stem it is with got to have better intelligence on the ground. so that we can combat the threats. we know, and the generals reported, that on the ground, if we pull out of afghanistan completely, it s going to be the place and a launching pad for attacks. eric: won t it be anyway? if not afghanistan, thailand or somewhere else. kirsten: but there has to be a gray area. one thing trump said is he s going to listen to the generals. general mattis has some of the best people defense wise advising him. i trust them to do a good job. it eboni: i hope that s what happens in that they figure something out. too expensive and too many
software. you are saying, the market incentivized. i will pay more for this iphone because it s being produced in the country where the climate is being protected, that s when it happens, but it s got to start at the grassroots level, not privatizing penalizing or incentivizing. eboni: next up is wake up, america. we will be right back. say no to this because of my bladder? thanks to tena. not anymore! only new tena intimates has pro-skin technology designed to quickly wick away moisture. to help maintain your skin s natural balance.