Novustory - front left Jon-Frode Bosåen of Regent Street Records, upper left Richard Blenkinson, top right James Duckworth, bottom right Imogen Storey, far right Ben Cross A Blackburn-based rock band who have spent the last six years plugging away at the music industry have landed themselves a deal with a major record label. Novustory, who are fronted by female vocalist Imogen Storey, have been signed by London s Regent Street Records and will release a new single called Bad Tattoo next week (April 23). The record deal means the band, who also have their own recording studio, Esche Haus Audio, in Blackburn town centre, could be featured on Sky, HBO, Netflix and BBC shows, as the label not only has a history of track placements on such channels but specialises in working with alternative artists across multiple genres.