hands outstretched to help me. you don t know ever happened to that woman? no, i don t. after the escape attempt, adam and again clearly grew frustrated, and adam took it out on lorinda. if i had the money, i would pay you. we are not playing games. it s you that are playing games. i am playing a game? you should see my game. how my game is. the escape attempt made things much worse for amanda. they tied her arms and her legs and pulled your body up by ropes and leave you? yes, it s very hard for me to go back to that and think about what happened to me during those three days. after that, adam forced her on to the phone again. it s one of the hardest calls to listen to. amanda
Strasbourg (ots) - QUEEN ELIZABETH II. - EIN LEBEN FÜR DIE KRONEKollektion | Bereits jetzt online auf arte.tv/queenDas Leben von Queen Elizabeth II. war geprägt von Pflichterfülllung im Dienste der Krone.