Adieu la planche à voile RS : X, cap sur l’iQfoil, nouveau support volant des JO 2024. Médaillé de bronze à Rio en 2016, très déçu de sa non-sélection pour Tokyo, le Briochin Pierre Le Coq, 32 ans,.
ERShares: Why This Investment Manager Doesn’t Invest in Bitcoin
By the ERShares Team
ERShares’s proprietary methodology, the Entrepreneur Factor, has embedded ESG factors since its inception. ESG is an integral part of the ERShares investment philosophy, and therefore, the firm rarely faces a trade-off between investment opportunities and ESG policy compliance along the investment process.
The firm positions itself as a thought leader and has taken measurable actions to encourage companies they invest in to consider ESG angles. They realize that beyond the encouragement of particular ESG initiatives to the preceding companies, it is far more critical and impactful to bring awareness of the ESG issues at hand.