understand how it is that our defense is going to be so badly cut. my own plan, by the way, to bring down the rates of taxation while maintaining the revenues that come into the government is by making sure that we don t lower taxes on high income people. we re not going to have high-income people pay less of the tax burden than they pay today. that s not what s going to happen. i do want to bring taxes down for middle-income people. in particular, i want middle-income americans not to have to pay taxes on interest and dividends and capital gains. erskine bowels bowles commission says that something s got to give. that your plan would not actually reduce the deficit. that, indeed, taxes would have to go up on the middle class. what gives? if you re not right about your projection? first of all i ve got princeton, harvard, wall street journal and aei saying actually that we can bring down the rates. and if we limit, or eliminate some of the loopholes and deductions at the high end