Some Kind of Heaven: Dark undercurrents in the last resort
Portrait of life in a Florida retirement community has shades of Blue Velvet
Film Title: Some Kind of Heaven
Director: Dennis Dean, Lynn Henry, Anne Kincer, Reggie Kincer
Starring: Dennis Dean, Lynn Henry, Anne Kincer, Reggie Kincer
Genre: Documentary
The Villages, a sprawling, profoundly plastic Florida retirement community, takes up three counties, and houses 130,000, mostly white baby boomers in a Trump-heavy voting block some 45 miles north-west of Orlando.
With its whizzing golf carts, regimented exercises, cocktails and crooned standards in the 1950s-inspired Town Square, The Villages is variously described as “God’s waiting room” and “Disney World for retirees”. For this viewer, the chilling conformity of the place evoked Squidward’s stifling stay at the gated community of Squidville in Spongebob Squarep