Martin Limon's "War Women" the 15th installment in exciting series set in 1970s South Korea. Erin Flanagan's debut novel revolves around the struggles of family farm life in 1985 Nebraska.
GIs in the Land of the Morning Calm
Posted : 2021-03-02 23:38
Updated : 2021-03-04 19:17 U.S. and Korean soldiers working together, published in The Korea Times Jan. 1, 1978. / Korea Times Archive By Martin Limon
I think of myself as the Forrest Gump of Korea.
During five tours, starting in 1968 and ending in 1986, I stumbled into such a vast array of experiences that it provided me, I believe, with a unique view of not only the secretive and insular life of the 8th United States Army but more importantly an insight into how we lowly enlisted G.I.s interacted ― and often clashed ― with the broader Korean culture.