In the Berkshires, three maple producers talked about what they ve experienced this year and what they foresee for a season they hope will be a good one.
In 2023, support from Berkshire Agricultural Ventures and the USDA’s Local Food Promotion Program grant helped expand Heart & Soil Collective’s community produce program doubling its reach: produce and soup
The Harold Grinspoon Charitable Foundation hosted the ninth Local Farmer Awards Farmer Appreciation Night. In Berkshire County, 16 farms won funding in this cycle.
On the day after Thanksgiving, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner Ashley Randle made quick work of slicing through a balsam fir with a red bow on top at Cranston’s
One of North America’s most ancient crops make that 9,000 years plus is making its seasonal appearance on farm stands right about now, and in Berkshire County cucurbits