Ahead of the Nov. 7 general election, an advocacy group aims to expand voter education and engagement throughout Mississippi. The Magnolia State has a history of low voter turnout. .
Las personas que abogan por mapas políticos justos en Wisconsin esperan descarrilar los esfuerzos legislativos para reformar el proceso de redistribución de distritos. Grupos a favor de la democracia se reunieron el lunes y dijeron que el plan empeoraría la influencia de los distritos manipulados. Losinvestigadores políticos han observado desde hace tiempo que Wisconsin tiene algunos de los mapas más manipulados de Estados Unidos, y los legisladores republicanos han controlado el proceso en ciclos recientes. .
People advocating for fair political maps in Wisconsin hope to derail legislative efforts to overhaul the redistricting process. Pro-democracy groups gathered Monday, saying the plan would worsen the influence of gerrymandered districts. Political researchers have long noted that Wisconsin has some of the most gerrymandered maps in the U.S., and Republican lawmakers have controlled the process in recent cycles. .
When it comes to elections, all eyes are on the 2024 vote. Civic-engagement groups in South Dakota are trying to make sure people needing help with registration are ready well