be a thanksgiving traveler to be hit. you are looking at a medical miracle. this one blew my mind. as a surgeon puts a finger on a stomach. what did he put it there for? and his chocolate rain was a smash viral video. i ve always been a hobbyist musician. now he s back with a new tune and you ll hear it. coming up on right this minute. when a storm hits, hammers start rolling and we scour the internet to find some of the best footage. steven, you had the task of digging through all the video that came out of auburn, alabama. a heavy storm system moved through the southeast yesterday, not just in alabama, louisiana, mississippi and georgia as well with several possible tornadoes. i want to show you this, this is auburn university s campus in alabama. you hear the storm siren right now. this is the campus completely deserted. this is a college campus, people are usually walking to class. the first ring of the siren, i would be gone. this video a litt