From December to February, the Estonian Internal Security Service has detained 10 suspects for acting on behalf of a Russian special service. Among them are persons suspected to have broken the windows of the minister’s and a journalist’s car.
ID cards issued during the summer seasons from 2019 to 2022 will have their electronic use reduced by one day than the indicated five-year validity period.
According to the Estonian National Audit Office, state-owned airline Nordica’s course suggests that the state has not been a sufficiently skilled or interested owner in such a complex business area as aviation and arguments in favor of keeping both Nordica and OU Transpordi Varahaldus in state ownership were lacking before the serious financial difficulties faced by Nordica that appeared in July and are still scarce.
Russian dissident and former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky believes that replacing President Vladimir Putin would change nothing in Russia, which is why an overhaul of the entire political system is needed – to make Russia a federation in more than just name.
Hundreds of pro-Ukrainian activists were imprisoned in Kherson during the Russian occupation, when the main torture method was electric shock. 20-year-old Artur told Postimees reporters his story.