optics distract the jury. based upon this evidence, it will become apparent that this murder was unlawful, unjustified, and wholly premeditated. in basic english, the prosecution s case was this. just the facts, ma am. fact number one. lyle and erik driving down to san diego two days before the murders, to buy shotguns and with a stolen i.d. why are you using the fake i.d.? cause you know you re going to be using the gun to do something you shouldn t be doing. that is evidence of intent. after the murders, the prosecution showed the brothers lied to the police, for months, starting from the very moment lyle called 911. someone killed my parents. and they did it all for the family fortune, the state said. remember, lyle and erik had searched for the will, just days after their parents murders. and went on a lavish, multi-state spending spree. they were very aggressive about spending money, as soon as possible. yeah. which i thought was very strange. it was pretty o
one reason that couldn t come in was because, this time around, lyle didn t take the stand to lay the foundation about abuse, in the first place. in between the two trials, there were allegations that he was asking people to fabricate testimony. letters surfaced after the first trial, in which lyle was alleged to have encouraged people to lie for the defense. so, the defense decided they couldn t put him on the witness stand. so, erik menendez had to carry the ball for both brothers and he was a good witness. but he was not as strong as lyle menendez had been if at the fir trial. and that expert testimony about the impact of the abuse
did you ask him not to? yes. i just told him that i didn t want to do this. and that it hurt me. and he said that he didn t mean to hurt me and he loved me. what did he tell you about telling people? he just said that it was our secret. that bad things would happen to me, if i told anybody. lyle testified his father stopped abusing him when he turned 8. but he said, for years, he had no idea his brother was a victim, too. then, erik took the stand. he would me give oral sex. and he would stick the needles or the tacks into my thighs as he was doing this.
for me, was very strange. but to other relatives, the spending was just lyle and erik doing what they always did. lyle was grieving , said cousin diane. people would ask, you know? people were like, what s he doing? and i would defend him and say, well, everybody reacts differently when somebody dies. this is just his way of coping i guess. their casual behavior after the murders, the hunt for the will, the spending spree, none of it was criminal. but it certainly caught the attention of the prosecutor. you begin to see a pattern here and you begin to think of greed. but to police, lyle and erik kept repeating the same story they told the cops the night of the murders.
bel-air. how d they d behave when they were there? lyle menendez was very cool, calm and collected. kitty s sister joan was at the memorial too and heard something disturbing about jose. several men that worked with jose talked to me at that memorial service and told me how he loved to humiliate other men. pretty shocking thing to hear at somebody s memorial service, isn t it? uh-huh. yeah.