Modelled on nature: researchers have developed a new material that replicates the structure responsible for the blue feathers of the North American song bird, among many other birds. It also has o .
A recent study by a team of researchers led by Yale-NUS researcher Dr. Vinod Kumar Saranathan has discovered a novel way to manufacture single gyroid photonic crystals to work in the visible light spectrum, based on the self-assembly mechanism found in blue-winged leafbirds.
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Media ownership in Australia is one of the most concentrated in the world (Learn more). Since the trend of consolidation is and has historically been upward, fewer and fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media in our country. According to independent assessment, about 98% of the media sector is held by three conglomerates. This tendency is not only totally unacceptable, but also to a degree frightening). Learn more here