Gardens of the Cross Timbers: The sands of time
Becky Emerson Carlberg
Contributing writer
The rat at my house must be a sentient animal. The rodent decided weeks ago the engine block of my 1997 Ford Aerostar is the perfect place for its winter home. Notice I said is. The rat has so far constructed three cozy homes in exactly the same place. Each nest was disassembled and placed far away from the van. The next day the entire nest had vanished. Seven days later, the nest was back under the hood. Chicken wire did not deter the animal. The rat circumvented bars of Irish Spring soap and hanging moth ball cakes. The natural rodent deterrent “Mouse Magic’, sachets of corn cob shavings saturated with peppermint and spearmint oil, offered a charming foundation for the last nest. The morning after the peppermint was installed, I walked to the van and saw the rat hop out and go west. It had been busy decorating. Keeping in the Yule spirit, the rat had taken one of