John Provenzano, 10, and his parents blasted the Martin County School District in Florida, explaining they wanted to take a stand against the district s mask mandate.
John Provenzano, a 10-year-old Florida student told Fox & Friends on Wednesday that he spoke out against his school district’s mask mandate at a school board meeting because he wanted to take a stand.
Provenzano, who is in fourth grade at Felix A. Williams Elementary school in Martin County, added that his classmates are not happy about the mask requirement either.
He slammed his local school board during a public meeting last week, calling the district’s mask mandate unfair to kids during an emergency session on reopening guidelines. The video of his remarks has since gone viral.
Mike Provenzano and his son, John on Brian Kilmeade s show. Credit: Fox News.
We brought you the story of John Provenzano, a 10-year-old Florida elementary school student who stood up at his school district’s board meeting and delivered amazing remarks calling the mask mandate in his school unfair and calling on his school to make masks optional.
I think it’s important to hear from the kids who have been affected by what’s been going on in the schools. Apparently, we weren’t the only folks who thought so, because the boy was also invited to be on Tucker Carlson’s show with his dad, Mike Provenzano. In addition to making his points about the mask mandate, John also hilariously mimicked his teachers how they yelled at the kids and then didn’t wear their masks themselves, how his own teacher didn’t recognize him outside of school because she’d never seen him without his mask.